Saturday, April 23, 2005

Food for thought

I got a huge problem with the following "universally" accepted concepts. That:

a. God is wise

And have you looked around you lately?! Would a wise -wise, people, wise -God create a shit hole for a life like the one we have? Didn't God "regret" doing a few things; first he was sorry he created man, then for destroying the world because of man, then being mad @ somebody, then for making someother unwise decision and destroying somebody else]. The only time the "God is wise" concept make sense is IF we mean "wise" in a very limited un-Almighty level. Like the wise folks in our village who tell you a smart child cries after taking what's given him. Now that's wise, and you don't have to build temples for these people, pay 1/10th of your income monthly, pray to them morning and night so they won't make your life a living hell. I know God is awfully clever and not being wise would not make him any less the-- God. But is He really?!

b. "Love is unconditional"

Which type of love, exactly? A mother's love? But she won't have loved yar ass if the hospital called to apologize they have given her the wrong baby all those years ago. Romantic love?! Oh please! God's love? Lucifer, you got something to say hunnie?!

c. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Ever tried being a fat little girl in a skinny worshipping society like mine?!

1 comment:

Tenkofant said...

You should have lived on some pacific island, your body figure would probably be higher esteemed there :p

I think love is a very complex emotion and hard to understand. I wonder if true love can be conditional.

Maybe having the feeling of love is conditional, but when you have got that feeling, you love someone unconditionally.
