Tuesday, April 19, 2005


"You may have noticed that many religious people are deeply suspicious. They seem--for purely religious purposes, of course-- to know more about iniquity than the Unregenerate. Perhaps they were specially bad before they became converted! At any rate, in the imputation of things evil, and in putting the worst construction on things innocent, a certain type of good people may be trusted to surpass all others."

That was Rudyard Kipling from "Watches of the Night". And I remembered two very religious people I know at work and school. One of them is a Translator by profession but a Disaster Expert by inclination. I have been told she's barren which may explain how she can go into details of what anguish a fetus goes through during abortion [how, when some metal is inserted into the woman's womb aiming to crush it's brain, the fetus tries to defend itself by waving it's hardly formed hands and so on and son]. I dunno, maybe she gets a kick from reading about babies suffering! The guy, who is a member of the great big Mekaneyesus Seminarium down at Mekanisa and married with two kids, was telling me about gays raping some guy in a hotel rest room right here in Addis ["you know it's a spirit right?! Cathing! Cuz he's now scouring the streets for guys to make him take it up the ass"] and how Aboy Sebhat [Sebhat G/Egziabher-the old faggot] is rumored to sleep with his daughter, with a face almost glowing with the joy found only by dipping your nose into Anatole's cooking, as Bertie Wooster [of "The Code of the Woosters"] would say. And I kept wondering why righteous folk love talking about sin and sinners more than ordinary folk like me, for example. Are doctors so obsessed with diseases --and not go home after work, throw themselves in the love seat and doze for hours?!

What Would Jesus say, I wonder [WWJSIW?! grrrr]

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